
martes, 21 de julio de 2009

Tras una dura jornada de trabajo...

... nada mejor que un refrescante bañito. Un pequeño corcho, restos de hielo, y unas gotitas de Coomassie.

3 comentarios:

  1. Current Revolution, Editors28 de julio de 2009, 10:23

    Dear Dr. Litos, your invention of the LABPOOL is one of the more revolutionary scientific ideas of the summer. You are cordially invited to publish your invention (including the picture, or a variation of it) as a short report in Current Revolution, the journal for the dissemination of current revolutionary findings.

  2. Dear CR editors,
    I feel deeply flattered by your comment, and of course I will take your invitation to show this refreshing finding to the broad audience of your revolutionary journal, with the appropiate set of figures and instructions for use and enjoy of researchers, PhD students and tiny lab-goblins.


Como dijo Ortega y Gasset, "Ciencia es aquello sobre lo cual cabe siempre discusión"...

¡Comentad, por el bien de la ciencia!